Even with the most highly trained team in the world, every workplace will always have risks – and your organisation will need to actively control these risks, taking steps to prevent harm from coming to both your carers and your clients wherever possible.

Risk assessments are required by law, and our team have years of experience in conducting manual handling risk assessments in a wide range of settings. We also specialise in developing moving and handling policies and plans to ensure everyone in your organisation knows what they need to do to work safely, who is responsible for what, and what to do if something goes wrong.

People carrying out assessments must be competent to identify any potential risks from everything from simple, everyday procedures to the most complex handling activities your team carry out. We ensure you’re complying with all relevant legislation, and are helping your employees to work as safely as possible, providing an excellent standard of care.


Tailored Expertise

We’ve helped a wide range of organisations provide the best possible care for their clients in a variety of complex and potentially controversial circumstances, where close scrutiny and consideration of factors such as the Human Rights Act or Mental Capacity Act is required.

We also carry out load handling assessments in a range of settings, such as catering, retail, manufacturing, airports, waste and recycling services.

These assessments are always conducted professionally and carefully, sensitive to the needs of all parties involved – from you and your organisation, to your team, and the clients they work with.


Contact us

We’re here to help – if you’re not sure what you need, or have any questions about your obligations as an employer or as an organisation that provides care to others, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. We’ll be happy to offer our advice.